Obtainment The Swiss trademark right is granted with the registration in the trademark register (art. 5 of MSchG). For that purpose, the symbol, together with the list of goods and services for which the mark is requested, must be filed and analyzed at the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IGE) (art. 28 of MSchG, art. 15 and following of MSchV; SR 232.111). To keep the legal protection of the mark intact, the latter must effectively be used in the economic trade; otherwise, the symbol loses the need of protection (art. 11 and following of MSchG). If the mark is used in accordance with legal requirements, the mark protection is valid, under the terms of art. 10 (1) and (2) of MSchG, for ten years, upon request for renewal (unlimitedly renewable). In principle, to obtain the trademark protection in third countries, a direct registration must be done in each country in question. However, for the EU area, the mark can be deposited at a regional trademark institute. Furthermore, the Madrid Agreement concerning the international Registration of Marks (SR, as well as the Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement concerning the international Registration of Marks (SR also provide a standard system for the whole area covered by the contracting states. For the member states of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (PVÜ; SR 0.232.02/04) is also applicable, in the Trademark Law, the right of priority, according to which, at international level, the date of the first filing is decisive for all the trademarks registration taking place along the following six months (art. 4 (c) (1) of PVÜ). The same also applies to states that are not members of the Paris Convention (PVÜ), but that grant reciprocal rights to Switzerland (art. 7 (2) of MSchG).